pp108 : Document Store

Document Store

This topic provides an overview of the document store.

Documents are usually stored in a content repository. Process Platform provides Document Store as the facility to work with any content repository. Any document irrespective of the content can be stored in these document stores.

In medical applications, a document can be a soft copy of an X-ray, MRI scans, and so on. Document Store supports the document infrastructural needs for any feature within the Process Platform. Documents can be attached to the Case Models, Business Process Models, and so on.

Document Store can be easily used and requires no configuration after installing the Process Platform. Documents can be added as attachments and can be retrieved later. Documents can also be viewed, uploaded, or downloaded.
Document Store enables you to plug in a content repository so that any existing content repository can be used. Process Platform can work with any content repository server, which has exposed its repository API according to JSR 170 specification or CMIS specification. There are some repositories, which provide a true implementation of JSR 170 specification, such as the Jackrabbit from Apache Software foundation. Other repository servers exposing their repository service through a JSR 170 compliant wrapper can also be plugged in to Process Platform. 

Process Platform provides the following options:

  • Repository - While installing Process Platform, the user is prompted to provide database configuration details. When this option is selected, the repository used by Process Platform is used. For a richer set of document store features, it is recommended to use a commercial document store such as OpenText Content Server.
  • Jackrabbit - When this option is selected, Process Platform behaves like the client of Apache Jackrabbit.
  • OpenText Content Server - When this option is selected, Process Platform acts as a Content Server client and all the requests are directed to the configured Content Server.
  • OpenText Archive Center - Select this option, if the requirement is to integrate with Archive Center using OTDS based authentication.
  • CMIS - When this option is selected, Process Platform acts as a CMIS client, which can connect to any CMIS 1.1 compliant repository.
  • Custom implementation - Select this option if you are already using any content repository or want to use a repository other than the above listed ones.

While installing Process Platform, the Repository is chosen as the default repository. Later, you can modify the repository settings. For more information on modifying the repository settings, see Modifying Document Repository.

Process Platform also provides an option to create Service Groups with Document Store application connector. See Managing Service Groups for more information on Service Groups.

Document Store provides you with APIs so that you can work with documents. See Document Store API for information on document store APIs.

Note: By default, Document Store is part of Repository service container. When the Web server and Repository service container are working on the same computer, the following properties point to the locations as indicated:

  • com.eibus.web.tools.upload.UploadWritePath - Points to <Installation directory>\content\uploadcontent
  • com.eibus.web.tools.download.DownloadReadPath - Points to <Installation directory>\content\downloadcontent

Ensure that the Apache Daemon user (if you are on Apache Web server) or the IIS user (if you are on IIS Web server) working on document store has write permissions on the <Installation directory>\content\uploadcontent folder and the <Installation directory>\content\downloadcontent folder. When the Web server and the Service Container are running on different computers, create a shared location and provide access to both. Also ensure that the above properties point to the shared location. These properties are part of the Web Gateway properties. For more information on Platform Properties, see Global configuration properties for Process Platform.

Upload Gateway stores the uploaded files in the shared directory and passes the directory name to the service container to process the request. A hacker can continuously send upload requests where no service container is available to handle them. In such a case, the disk space will be full in no time. To avoid such a scenario, it is strongly recommended that you specify a size-limit on the shared directory.

Related tasks

Modifying Document Repository

Related reference

GetDocumentsInfo (Deprecated)

Related information

Document Store Configuration Interface
Creating a custom Plug-in for connecting to a document store